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In early 2022, the Athabasca River Voyageur Canoe Brigade Society  (ARVCBS) gifted their assets to the Northern Rockies Museum. We are delighted to receive this gift of two voyageur canoes, two tandem canoes, four kayaks, and two trailers. 

This year, we are not able to run an extensive rental or education program with these assets. In the future, we are hoping to offer both rentals and programming to get people out on the water!


Our capacity is very limited for rentals at this time: check back next year for a price schedule!

Do you live near Hinton? Do you love paddling? Join us! 

If you are interested in promoting paddling in Hinton, developing paddling education programs, planning brigades, or just hanging out with other paddlenuts, send us a message! 

Thanks for submitting!

Click the photo to read about the ARVBCS!

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